Below are some examples of the plastering services that G M Plastering & Lime Rendering can offer:
G M Plastering & Lime Rendering have worked on many listed and non-listed properties over the last 20 Years, from: timber frame, clay lump to solid brick constructions. We run projects for clients and if required we work along side conservation requirements too.

The importance of Lime Render on your property:
- Lime plaster / render will allow the structure to breath
- Lime plaster / render will allow the structure to move if required
- Lime plaster / render is flexible with any movement
- Lime plaster / render will allow moisture to leave the property
Sand and cement render causes:
- Damp
- Decay of timbers, clay lump and brickwork
- Stress on timbers and clay lump
- Infestation of bugs
We offer:
- Removal of all renders
- New oak laths
- New woodwool boards savolit and heraklith
- Cork insulation and sheep wool insulation
- Hair chalk Lime renders / plasters
- Fibre chalk Lime renders / plasters
- Insulation lime render / plasters
Here at G M Plastering & Lime Rendering we pride ourselves to attention to detail. We give the best possible finish internally ready for decorating. Below are a few ways in which this is achieved:

- Re Plastering walls and ceilings
- Plastering over artex
- Plastering on to new plasterboard
- Plastering onto new backing plasters (such as Bonding, Hardwall, sand and cement)
We offer:
- Plaster boarding (Inc Over boarding)
- Sand & Cement render (Internal & External)
- Backing plasters
- One coat plasters
- Modern day plasters (Skimming)
- Plastering over artex
- Patchwork

Our scaffolding requirements to complete your work are provided by Sam Scaffolding.
Please click here for more information.